Search results
Chocolate Long Stem Roses (Bouquet)
$ 7.00 to $ 80.00
Assorted Chocolate Covered Pretzels
$ 42.00/lb
Jelly Belly 49 Flavor Ass't
$ 15.00/lb
Just Born Assorted Jelly Beans
$ 12.00/lb
Strawberry Sour Belts
$ 6.00 to $ 72.00
Strawberry Sour Power Straws
$ 6.00 to $ 72.00
Teenie Beanie Assorted Jelly Beans
$ 12.00/lb
Teenie Beanie Licorice Jelly Beans
$ 12.00/lb
Sour Apple Sour Belts
$ 6.00 to $ 72.00
Green Apple Sour Power Straws
$ 6.00 to $ 72.00
Swedish Fish - Assorted
$ 15.00/lb
Haribo Gummy Bears
$ 15.00/lb
Gummy Worms
$ 15.00/lb
Swedish Fish - Red
$ 15.00/lb
Sour Patch Kids
$ 15.00/lb
Sour Peach Rings
$ 15.00/lb
Sour Patch Watermelons
$ 15.00/lb
Chanukah Gelt - Bulk
$ 34.00/lb
Chocolate Chanukah Gelt - Mesh & Gift Bags
$ 5.00 to $ 17.00
Chocolate Dreidel
$ 6.00
Chocolate Menorah Pop
$ 6.75
Dark Chocolate Bronze Hearts
$ 32.00/lb
Traditional Easter Baskets
$ 50.00 to $ 180.00